Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Computer building dely til May

I have stopped building on my computer because I don't have much time to mess with it. So far I have the keyboard, mouse, monitor/tv, case. I still have several things to order such as; motherboard, memory, power supply, cpu & fan, hard drives and DVD drive.

I'll pick it back up in May when college is close to letting out.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Working on my website.

I tired, I can't believe I spent most the day editing my website I planned it but didn't think I'd take this long o well, time well spent.

I have my own room now and a new computer desk made completely of good solid wood.

I'm on my laptop, on the internet editing my blog entry, listening to my mp3 player.

I had to restart this blog because they changed ownership, Google I guess owns it because I used my G-Mail account to access my blog.

Keep a look out, on my website Justin's Website for more pics of my computer I'm building coming probably late May.
